Thursday, November 28, 2013

Do Dogs Even Have Brains?

Hello guys!
So today I so a video on the now destroyed YouTube. It is pretty popular so most of you might have seen it already but I just HAD to talk about this video. Just thinking about how dumb the world isn't enough for me so I just had to publish a whole post about it. For those who haven't watched the video, here it is:

- A typical sophisticated lady that loves Jesus.

Ok, I am warning you, I will most likely cover the whole video so you might as well not watch the video because enough brain cells are destroyed just by sitting in front of a screen for hours, this will deliver the final blow and you may turn retard after watching this. WATCH AT OWN RISK!

So, let's go.
This blondie here talks about a Tweet she sent asking if dogs have brains. She describes it as a serious debate. Let the introduction aside, she says that dogs are humans, i mea....oh, no, sorry they are not humans, they are mammals..

She continues her speech by stating the uknown to public media fact that dogs can't talk. But.. The dog in MIB could talk! My whole life is a lie. Moving on, she says that they can't talk so they have no brain. They walk if you tell them to walk, just like her computer can turn off. It is not like it has a brain or anything, right?
Then she starts asking some very deep questions that even made Homer and Socrates think hard and eventually give up.


Left: Socrates's answer to the question.
Right: A picture of Homer

Here are the questions:
1. A living thing with a brain can talk so why don't dogs talk?
2. Are dogs creatures of god? Because they are scary.
The woman also stated that she is so terridfied of dogs that she may even change pavement in order to avoid those blood predators. This woman also swallows her pride and admits getting attacked by this devilish creature 5 times.
3. Are dogs from this earth?
Also back to question 1. Why would they attack us if they have no reason to? Her mom was astonished and called the police who came to stop this satanic demon.
4. Here is the plot twist. What if dogs had free will all this time and they were just murderers? That means they have a brain. All this was planned by satan. It was him the whole time!

After these 4 brain teaser questions, she asks us to consider this carefully and help her.

Now, here is what I really think:
What the fuck. I will go straight to the questions she asked cause they sum it all up.
1. Well, there is this thing called brain capabilities... Why does a dog bark? Because it communicates by barking. There is almost no other living creature (on earth at least) that can talk like humans do. That is because they don't have the same vocal chords and the same .. well, brain capabilities.
2. So, you love Jesus. You call dogs "part of the animal kingdom" but they are not creatures of God because, you know, you are scared of them. Yes, Jesus accepted a whore if she admitted that she had sinned and would do anything to pay for her sins but you have to get baptized with 50 litres of holy water to be considered religious.
3,4. No. They truth is they are from the Moon and they didn't exist until man stepped foot on the moon. The truth is NASA had special aircrafts deginged to travel to space since 1850 and some people say they even reached the sun and set it on fire. That is why all pictures before 1900something were black and white.Also, that explains why a dog was sent to the moon on a mission but never came back. Humans obviously abducted the dog from its family and after years of negotiations with the moon dogs, they decided to sent the missing child back home. After a while, mankind regretted this decision and decided to go and annihilate all of the space dogs, leaving no survivors. The Russians wanted to stop the Americans because they thought that they would go to space for the first time but little did they know. After a while, the Americans, pretending to know nothing of space, created the Death Star and launched it at night when no one could see it go up and they completely destroyed the moon which was the size of Ur Anus at that time. After that a new era had started since humanity's biggest threat was now gone. But no. There were survivors. Some dogs were still alive back there. Yes. It is true. Despair. Every dog felt it. So they had nothing left to win by living anymore. But they had nothing to lose either. When they Americans revisited the moon, dogs, riding on huge machines known as Dogangellions created by the company DOGRV, killed all humans on this mission. Then using their disguise skills, they went back to earth as humans. After that day... The austronauts went missing. That is because the ones who returned weren't humans... but dogs. Then, they reproduced and reproduced and reproduced. Now, dogs are trying to take over Earth once again and they absolutely won't stop until they kill us all. So yes, they have free will as well. It was all planned. Our deaths. Were planned.

tl;dr : Dogs are from space, think twice before raising one as a pet.

That is the end of my comment here. Now, let's get a bit realistic shall we?
Let me tell you that by the way... I think this is an obvious troll (no shit). I concluded that by the part where...she talks. Come on, the whole video looks so fake. A BLONDE talking about her curiosity on whether DOGS have BRAINS or not while showing her huge boobs on screen and taking this seriously. What did you think? She went like "Oh, this is the 4534 take for this video... I guess I have no other choice. My boobs are showing but I am too tired for another take". NO. That is not it. She probably thought "LOL, I am gonna get so much attention". Yes, I just gave her enough attention for 1 day but I had to because even if it's hard to believe this video is real, there can be a truth behind is as well. I concluded that because... We are in the 21st century and "swag" has became a big thing. But if she really is a troll, I congratulate her for she has made me laugh.

I guess you are all like :

Yes, I know, I can't believe that she is not a troll after all this. But somewhere deep down in my heart. My faith in humanity... Is still there. A flame, ready to spread to me, and everyone around me. The faith in humanity. LOLJK MI HAZ NO FATHE.
That's it for now I guess. Till next time.

Is the top or the bottom side of a toilet paper right?

There are two kinds of people:
Those who take the toilet paper from the bottom side to the top side and those who do the opposite.
This picture will demonstrate the right (to me) way of rolling the paper. I will try to put as many pros and cons as the other has because not doing so would be childish and unfair.

But then again, who am I to talk about childish and unfair right?

Now that you got the point let's see what would be the right way of taking toilet paper.

Up->Down paper Pros :
1. It is easier to roll in order to take the paper.
2. This way is often the one displayed on the box's cover.
3. Up to Down can be really deep. What if it means that people decended from God or that people were Gods themselves but then they had a great fight over the TV controller and ended up destroying their powers which caused the end of their world which lead to the Big Bang which created the so called "universe" we live in today? Yup. That is deep.
4. I like this way of toilet paper so given the fact that, you know, I am AWESOME, you should be happy you have me as a supporter here.

1. You have to move your hand in a up-down sideway motion. This can be tiring if you are a senior or have amputated hands.

Down->Up/Straight paper Pros :
1. It is more fun to roll the paper in a straight line or an upward line.
2. You can make a sudden hand movement and cut the piece(s) of paper like a ninja while screaming something Asian likeYAO HEN.
3. You can go against the system by using this method because even the toilet paper's box shows the Up->Down paper. It is rumored that anarchists use this side of the paper.
4. It can have a spiritual meaning as well. After becoming gods and killing themselves etc, etc, they tried to go back to the heavens again. After many failed attempts, they managed to go one step farther, and one another some time later. Dude... This post became deeper than the Mariana Trench. By the way if you don't know what this is, Google it up(don't G+ it though, because G+ ain't good)

1. Let the "Police may catch you" statement aside. The true con is that if this metal or plastic or whatever thing they put the toilet paper on is too low or not near the toilet(why would they even do that? anyway) you may try too hard to reach it and eventually kill/hurt/cause-brain-damage-by-using-the-force yourself because accidents can happen at any given moment.

So that is it. Now let's calculate.
The one is like the serious big brother and the other is like the funny prankster younger brother. They cannot be compared this way because they are better in different leagues. But one is for sure... They do their job wiping up. Goodbye. Now leave. It is over.

Just Kidding. Although I like the Up->Down way better, now that I see both of them written, I must agree with the anarchists... PLOT TWIST right there. Aaaanyway. That is really the end now. You can leave. Bye. I wonder if anyone even scrolled that far. Even though it is not that far, really.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Hello. I am Theory. I created this blog out of boredom. Like the title says, this blog will mostly be used to make you think. No, not you in particular, but you get the point.

Now, introduction's over. Kids, you can ask anything

-So, what will you be doing here?
Probably correct some idiot's opinion on why there is a power button in electronic devices or why people breathe. Other than that, which will be the most frequent topic, I can write some movie/anime reviews. I may even review games. Who knows. One thing's for sure, I will write what i feel like writing at the time. I also think about writing abou everyday stuff like YouTube slowly turning to shit.

-Is this blog gonna be serious?
Of course. It is gonna be as serious as Glee. BTW, who likes Glee?

-Can we contact you?
Yes, you can. Via E-Mail or the comments section. All Caps won't be read and will be asked to calm down.

-Any warnings?
Heavy or light use of explict language way be frequent. I will try to prevent it as much as I fucking can but I am not good with this shit.

-Why are you so awesome?
Can't help it. All Memedroiders are awesome.

So, that's about it for now. Oh, and I will at least write an article a week until I am out of material I guess. Bi! (Yes, that pun was intended)